The Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) is the organization that represents the country's footwear industry, working in trade defense and in search of better competitive conditions for production in Brazil. Established in 1983, the organization, headquartered in the city of Novo Hamburgo (in the state of Rio Grande do Sul), has footwear companies of all sizes and from all Brazilian states among its members.
More than an institutional and political representative, acting continuously in defense of claims that are relevant to the industry, such as tax relief, credit expansion, labor reform, and logistical improvement, among others, nowadays Abicalçados also acts as a lever for sectoral qualification. In this context, the organization increasingly works focusing on the creation of a design culture that values Brazilian footwear not only for its materials but also for its distinguished development process, resulting in innovative, distinguished shoes from the aesthetic point of view.
Amidst the voracious competition of Asians, who stack national and international shelves with cheaper and cheaper products, impacted by external factors that hinder competitiveness, it is no longer enough for the domestic industry to manufacture shoes: it is necessary to create distinguished products, whose main competitive feature is not price.
Currently, several Brazilian companies already work to develop distinguished products, with high fashion and design appeal, even exporting with their own brands and making the Brazilian product recognized worldwide. With this in mind, the Brazilian industry has the support of the Brazilian Footwear, a program developed by Abicalçados in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) with the main goal of increasing the volume of Brazilian footwear exports.
Institutional representation, competitiveness development, and promotion of the excellence of the Brazilian footwear industry.
Representing, defending, developing, and promoting the Brazilian footwear industry, with respect, excellence, and results.
Abicalçados intends to be recognized as a reference center in institutional representation, competitiveness development, and promotion of the excellence of the Brazilian footwear industry.
Respect: for member companies and for the interests of the Brazilian footwear industry. Abicalçados is the legitimate agent of footwear companies;
Excellence: competence in performing the sector’s institutional representation and in the provision of services;
Innovation: Abicalçados must (proactively) lead the footwear industry in search of competitiveness;
Results: Abicalçados must seek, obtain, and communicate the product of its activities;
Social Responsibility and Sustainability: the Association chooses to have a responsible attitude regarding the interests of the footwear industry, mediating them sustainably with respect to its employees, suppliers, the government, and the Brazilian society.
Founded the Association of footwear industries of Rio Grande do Sul (Adical), at the time with 30 associates.
Extraordinary General Assembly approves the transformation of Adical to Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados), becoming a national entity.
The first issue of Abicalçados Notícias circulates in April. With information from the entity and the sector, the monthly publication is disseminated among associates, shopkeepers and professionals of the footwear chain. In August 2000, Abicalçados Notícias became Abinforma, Abicalçados' monthly newsletter.
In order to discuss issues related to the footwear industry, Abicalçados creates the National Seminar of the Footwear Industry (SNIC). The event takes place for the first time in Gramado/RS, in October of the same year. Since then, it has been carried out in several productive poles of the sector in the country, such as Franca/SP, Campina Grande/PB, Fortaleza/CE, São Paulo/SP, Nova Lima/MG, Campo Bom/RS and Taquara/RS.
Seeking to increase the presence of Brazilian footwear abroad, Abicalçados signs the first agreement with the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) for the creation of the Brazilian Footwear sector project. The program develops commercial and image promotion actions aimed at the international market. The agreement is still in progress, having been renewed, the last time it was signed, for another two years in 2022.
After Abicalçados' defense of the point, the Common External Tariff (TEC) of Mercosur is raised to 35%. The decision was published in CAMEX Resolution No. 40 of 24 September 2007 and is anchored in decision 37/2007 of the Common Market Council (CMC) of Mercosur.
Abicalçados undergoes a reformulation in its visual identity, modernizing the brand.
Abicalçados opens anti-dumping proceedings against Chinese footwear and the Federal Government provisionally creates a surcharge of US$ 12.47 per pair imported from China.
After six months of duration, the provisional anti-dumping measure is renewed, now definitively, for the following five years with corrected value to US$ 13,85 per pair imported from that country.
As a way to establish rules for the minimum safety requirements in shoe factories, Abicalçados and Abrameq create the Safety Booklet for Footwear Machinery and Equipment.
The Automated Logistics Operations System (Sola) is launched by Abicalçados with the purpose of implementing standards in logistics operations of entry, exit and movement of goods. The system also establishes industry standards for logistics labels and messaging based on the GS1 global system.
Brazilian footwear sector conquers, after articulation of the entity, the payroll exemption measure, which consists of replacing the payment of 20% on the payroll by 1% to 4.5% of gross revenue, excluding exports. In the case of the footwear sector, the tax rate established is 1%.
The first edition of the Directions Award recognizes footwear companies that have excelled in design, marketing, commercial and industrial actions. The distinction created by Abicalçados aims to encourage the development of the sector through the recognition of best practices in the industry.
Launched the pilot project of the Sustainable Origin Program, the only sustainability certification in the world that covers the entire footwear production chain. Conceived and carried out by Abicalçados and Assintecal, the initiative aims to instigate sustainability in the leather-footwear sector.
The Abicalçados Annual Activity Report is released, a publication that shows the performance of the entity and its main actions to represent, defend, develop and promote the Brazilian footwear sector.
The first edition of Análise de Cenários event was held, which presents important data and forecasts from the national and international markets with a focus on the footwear sector. The initiative traditionally takes place twice a year.
Bringing Brazilian footwear brands and international buyers together guides the creation of the Brazilian Footwear program's platform for connections and business generations. it is released in September in English and Spanish versions.
Abicalçados and Abrameq update the Safety booklet for Footwear Machinery and Equipment and forward the new document to the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), so that this text is offered for the creation of a specific annex of machinery for footwear to the NR-12 (regulatory standard for Occupational Safety in machinery and equipment).
After articulation of Abicalçados, a proposal to readjust the payroll exemption rate for the footwear sector, which would be 2.5%, goes to 1.5%.
Abicalçados launches the first edition of the Footwear Industry Sectoral Report. An annual publication developed independently by the entity, it gathers complete information about the footwear sector and is considered an official source of data for the segment.
Trade protection measure against Chinese footwear is renewed for another five years after articulation carried out by the entity. Meanwhile, the antidumping surcharge goes from US$ 13.85 to US$ 10.22 per pair.
With the aim of laying the foundations for the creation of new processes, business models and products with embedded technology, Abicalçados joins sector entities (Abrameq, Asymptecal and CICB) and launches the Future Footwear program.
Abicalçados creates the Clube de Benefícios, with exclusive discounts in several areas that enable a more competitive business environment for companies in the sector.
Approved text proposing the inclusion of 29 standards in Annex 10 of NR-12, a standard that regulates the issue of safety in footwear machinery.
New visual identity is adopted by Abicalçados, following the evolution and modernization of the sector.
Published by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) a standard that standardizes the labeling of footwear composition. The process of creating the standard is led by Abicalçados.
Approved in the Federal Congress the maintenance of the 1.5% turnover rate in payroll exemption. Project is valid until December 31st, 2020.
Created the mixed Parliamentary Front in defense of the leather-footwear sector with the aim of representing and defending the interests and claims of the segment at the National Congress in Brasilia.
Abicalçados leads the “A Shoe for Brazil" movement, which had the participation of about 150 of the main Brazilian footwear brands. Unprecedented in Brazil, the initiative is a synchronized action on the social networks of the participating companies and seeks to value yellow-green footwear.
Calçados do Brasil platform is created by Abicalçados for the connection and generation of business between Brazilian shoemakers and shopkeepers. The initiative has the partnership of 25 unions from the main productive centers of the country.
After intense articulation by Abicalçados to overturn the presidential veto regarding the maintenance of payroll exemption, the measure is extended until the end of 2021 with the rate of 1.5% for the green-yellow footwear sector.
Sustainable Origin crosses national borders for the first time and is advertised during Expo 2020 Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. After presentation, program was taken to more international fairs and events, with great interest from foreign buyers.
Abicalçados announces the holding of the Brazilian Footwear Show. The first edition of BFSHOW will take place in November 2023 in Porto Alegre/RS and the second edition will be in May 2024, in São Paulo/SP.
Trade protection measure against Chinese footwear is renewed for another five years after articulation carried out by the entity. Surcharge of US$ 10.22 per pair was maintained. However, the new decision exempted the fee for some Chinese exporting companies.
CE | Production (million pairs) | Employment (thousand people) | Companies (establishments) | Export (million US$) |
Sobral | 150,5 | 14,7 | 11 | 126,4 |
Fortaleza | 28,8 | 24,8 | 79 | 68,7 |
Juazeiro do Norte | 22,2 | 8,8 | 110 | 19,4 |
Quixadá | 17,5 | 15,1 | 15 | 45,9 |
Source: IBGE, Secex, MTE, Abicalçados. Data for 2023. Companies data referring to RAIS 2022.
RS | Production (million pairs) | Employment (thousand people) | Companies (establishments) | Export (million US$) |
Vale do Rio dos Sinos | 91,7 | 32,7 | 831 | 374,6 |
Vale do Paranhana e Encosta da Serra | 40,7 | 21,9 | 612 | 140,6 |
Serra / Hortências | 7,7 | 5,1 | 78 | 30,3 |
Source: IBGE, Secex, MTE, Abicalçados. Data for 2023. Companies data referring to RAIS 2022.
PB | Production (million pairs) | Employment (thousand people) | Companies (establishments) | Export (million US$) |
Campina Grande | 125,6 | 9,3 | 51 | 63,6 |
João Pessoa | 5,3 | 3,0 | 12 | 0,7 |
Source: IBGE, Secex, MTE, Abicalçados. Data for 2023. Companies data referring to RAIS 2022.
MG | Production (million pairs) | Employment (thousand people) | Companies (establishments) | Export (million US$) |
Montes Claros | 63,3 | 3,2 | 8 | 9,9 |
Nova Serrana | 50,0 | 18,6 | 671 | 28,0 |
Source: IBGE, Secex, MTE, Abicalçados. Data for 2023. Companies data referring to RAIS 2022.
BA | Production (million pairs) | Employment (thousand people) | Companies (establishments) | Export (million US$) |
Feira de Santana | 18,3 | 15,3 | 35 | 43,7 |
Vitória da Conquista | 19,2 | 16,0 | 25 | 27,1 |
Source: IBGE, Secex, MTE, Abicalçados. Data for 2023. Companies data referring to RAIS 2022.
SP | Production (million pairs) | Employment (thousand people) | Companies (establishments) | Export (million US$) |
Franca | 11,8 | 12,1 | 831 | 68,0 |
Birigui | 12,9 | 8,6 | 295 | 16,4 |
Jaú | 7,8 | 3,8 | 160 | 2,1 |
Source: IBGE, Secex, MTE, Abicalçados. Data for 2023. Companies data referring to RAIS 2022.
PE | Production (million pairs) | Employment (thousand people) | Companies (establishments) | Export (million US$) |
Recife | 45,2 | 1,3 | 16 | 5,6 |
Source: IBGE, Secex, MTE, Abicalçados. Data for 2023. Companies data referring to RAIS 2022.
SC | Production (million pairs) | Employment (thousand people) | Companies (establishments) | Export (million US$) |
São João Batista | 8,3 | 4,5 | 125 | 16,6 |
Source: IBGE, Secex, MTE, Abicalçados. Data for 2023. Companies data referring to RAIS 2022.
865,6 million pairs produced (2023)
118,3 million pairs exported (2023)
R$ 33.3 billion in production (2023)
More than 280 thousand jobs
The footwear sector represents 2% of the Brazilian manufacturing industry's GDP
162 countries bought shoes from Brazil
More than 5 thousand companies in the sector
5th biggest footwear producer in the world, the biggest outside Asia
Sindicato da Indústria de Calçados de São João Batista
Bebecê Calçados
Calçados Pegada
Klin Produtos Infantis
Via Marte
PG4 Galleria
Lia Line
Bischoff Group
Grupo Sugar Shoes
Grupo Dass
Crômic Femme
Luiza Barcelos
Grupo Ramarim
Sindicato Intermunicipal das Indústrias de Calçados de Nova Serrana
Calçados Bibi
2001 / 2007
1986 / 1991
1991 / 1995
2007 / 2013
1999 / 2001
2013 / 2016
1983 / 1986
1995 / 1998
2016 / 2019