Entities and companies launch campaign to rebuild the sector chain in RS

The goal is to rebuild the Gaucho footwear ecosystem, prioritizing its most valuable asset: people


The entities representing the footwear production chain Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados), Brazilian Association of Leather Component, Footwear and Artifacts Companies (Assintecal) and Brazilian Tanning Industry Center (CICB), jointly with companies from the sector, launched the Next Steps RS Movement campaign. The goal is to rebuild the Gaucho footwear ecosystem, prioritizing its most valuable asset: people.

In a joint manifesto,”the movement highlights that the footwear chain in Rio Grande do Sul is not just an economic sector; it is the livelihood of thousands of families, the basis of their dreams and their future". With approximately 3 thousand companies and about 120 thousand direct workers, the production chain has a fundamental social and economic role for the state. "In recent days we are witnessing an unprecedented tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul. A climate catastrophe that is leaving thousands of businesses and millions of families devastated. We lose not only material possessions, but homes, documents, memories, friends and family. But amid the chaos and sadness, an unparalleled strength emerged: the solidarity of the Gaucho people and all of Brazil, manifested in voluntary acts and generous donations to rebuild lives and renew hope," continues the manifesto.

The CEO of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, points out that the Next Steps RS Movement is a response to the urgency of rebuilding the production chain, which has people as its main asset. “We are a labor-intensive sector. There are thousands of people who live from the activity. Rebuilding these people's lives first and foremost is our main goal with the campaign. It is from the dignity and housing conditions of the families that depend on the footwear chain that we will have an entire sector reestablished."

For Silvana Dilly, Superintendent of Assintecal, the union of entities and companies that are part of the footwear ecosystem will be fundamental for the recovery of the activity. "A period of serious crisis, with a climate catastrophe like never seen before in Rio Grande do Sul, requires urgent aid measures. The response of the union between entities and companies not only from the state, but from all over Brazil, is equally historic and will help thousands of people involved in the production of footwear,” she says.

According to the executive president of CICB, José Fernando Bello, the industry is united and committed to the recovery of Rio Grande do Sul, with support for the affected families, many of whom are linked to leather production, which is a traditional cultural and economic force of the state. "The floods have impacted life in this territory, but at the same time they have brought out an immense power of solidarity and cooperation of companies and people. We will overcome this challenge together", comments the leader.

How it works
The Next Steps RS Movement is a collective movement, which in addition to the entities, already has the adhesion of important businessmen from the state and outside it. Are part of the campaign, as ambassadors: Alexandre Birman (Arezzo&Co); Pedro Bartelle (Vulcabras); Sergio Bocayuva (Usaflex); Danilo Cristofoli (Cristofoli); Ana Carolina Grings (Piccadilly); Astor Ranft (Pegada); Daniel Gewehr (Via Marte); Ricardo Wirth (Wirth); Andrea Kohlrausch (Bibi); João Santos (Conforto); Giuliano Spinelli (PG4); Marcelo Lehnen (Dakota); Luiz Barcelos (Luiza Barcelos); Rudimar Dall Onder (Grendene); Vilson Hermes (Grupo Dass); Rafaela Furlanetto (Vicenza); Luciana Wodzik (Arezzo); Carlos Mestriner (Klin); Ronaldo Lacerda (Lynd); Júnior César Silva (Crômic); Roberto Argenta (Calçados Beira Rio); Marçal Muller (Grupo Ramarim); Sergio Gracia (Kidy); Marcelo Paludetto (Democrata); Marcelo Reichert (FCC); Gerson Berwanger (Bertex); Marco Schmitt (Box Print); Jose Claudio Blos (Brisa / Intexco); Marcelo Nicolau (Cipatex); Renato Raimundo (Grupo Stick Fran); Aecio Junior Rosaboni (JR Soluções); Milton Killing (Killing Tintas e Adesivos); Eduardo Seleme (Viposa); ⁠Evandro e Volnei Durli (Durlicouros); ⁠Augusto Coelho (Curtume Moderno); ⁠Gilmar Harth (CBR); ⁠Mário Spaniol (Couroquímica); ⁠Rodrigo Saragiotto (Romeu Couros); ⁠Jordi Codina Satorras (Cobrasil); ⁠Wayner Machado (Curtume Tropical); ⁠Emílio Bittar (Coming); ⁠Rafael Collet (Courovale); ⁠Cezar Müller (A.P. Müller); ⁠Jair Krummenauer (Cortume Krumenauer); Emerson Fuga (Curtume Luiz Fuga); Mauro Becker (Curtume Mats); Humberto Henrich (Henrich/Carrano); Gilmar Haag (Grupo Cofrag); Levi sottomaior (Quimicolla); Atson Bessas (Atta industrial); and Luiz Felipe Rodomonte de Souza (Spikes).

The ambassador brands and companies are: Abicalçados, Assintecal, CICB, pulsAR, BFSHOW, Arezzo&Co, Arezzo, Anacapri, Brizza, Alme, Schutz, Troc, ZZmall, Vicenza, Vulcabras, Usaflex, Cristofoli, Piccadilly, Pegada, Via Marte, Wirth, Ramarim, Comfortflex, Bibi, Conforto, PG4, Luiza Barcelos, Klin, Kidy, Lynd, Crômic, Marina Mello, Randall, Polo Go, Calçados Beira Rio, Bebecê, Democrata, Dass Group, Grendene, Rider, Cartago, Melissa, Grendha, Zaxy, Ipanema, Grendene Kids, Pega Forte, Azaleia, Mormaii, Stably, Dakota, FCC, Bertex, Brisa, Intexco, Cipatex, Grupo Stick Fran, JR Soluções, Killing Tintas e Adesivos, Box Print, Viposa, Durlicouros, Curtume Moderno, CBR, Couroquímica, Romeu Couros, Cobrasil, Curtume Tropical, Luiz Fuga, Curtume Mats, Coming, Courovale, A.P. Müller and Courtume Krumenauer, Carrano, Grupo Cofrag, Atta industrial, Quimicolla, Spikes, INSPIRAMAIS and Sustainable Origin.

The Next Steps RS Movement kicked off with many supporters and remains open to new support seeking the reconstruction of the sector in the state.

The donations collected via pix or deposit (national) and via international deposit are being allocated in a fund for later destination to aid entities mapped in the affected cities: Associação de Amigos da Oktoberfest (Igrejinha Amifest), Campo Bom Solidário, LD2 District of International Lions Clubs Association (Roca Sales, Muçum, Encantado, Arroio do Meio, Estrela, Lajeado and Taquari), Parobé Lions Club, Rolante Lions Club, Três Coroas Lions Club and Rotary Clube Oeste in Novo Hamburgo.

Tragedy in numbers
The floods that have hit Rio Grande do Sul since the beginning of May, according to data updated at noon on May 13 by the State Government, have already reached 447 municipalities and 2.1 million people, with 538 thousand people displaced and 149 confirmed deaths.


Here's how to help:


Via bank deposit

Banco do Brasil 

Agency: 0314-X

Account: 39761-X


Via pix 

[email protected]


Via international bank deposit
Banco do Brasil (001)
Name of beneficiary:  Abicalçados - Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Calçados
*As doações no exterior devem incluir o motivo do envio "Ajuda Enchentes RS May 2024".