With 76 Brazilian brands, Micam Milano prepares for its 99th edition

One of the most traditional and important footwear trade shows in the world, Micam Milano is gearing up for its 99th edition, set to take place from February 23 to 25 in Milan, Italy

One of the most traditional and important footwear trade shows in the world, Micam Milano is gearing up for its 99th edition, set to take place from February 23 to 25 in Milan, Italy. With the third-largest international delegation, Brazil will be represented by 76 brands supported by Brazilian Footwear, an export promotion program maintained by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil).

Paola Pontin, Abicalçados’ Business Coordinator, shares an optimistic outlook. “We expect an increase in buyer attendance, especially from North America, given the possibility of a renewed trade dispute between the United States and China,” she explains. According to her, Brazilian footwear has a competitive edge over key international competitors, combining quality, design, and sustainability. “At last February’s Micam Milano, exhibitors from Brazil received visitors from over 90 countries. Interest from international buyers continues to grow,” she emphasizes. The previous edition generated over USD 31 million in business for Brazilian brands, both in direct sales at the event and deals initiated during the show.

Runway Show
Beyond the exhibition, select Brazilian brands have been invited to participate in the Micam Milano runway show, scheduled for the first two days of the event. The lineup includes Jotape, Lightgel, Vizzano, Maithe, Schutz, Varietta, and Voices Culture.

Market Outlook
As the world’s fifth-largest footwear producer, Brazil’s industry grew by more than 3% in 2024, according to preliminary data. For 2025, Abicalçados projects an additional 2% increase, reaching 904 million pairs produced. On the international front, Brazilian footwear reached more than 160 destinations last year, with over 97 million pairs exported.

The following brands will take part in Micam Milano with the support of Brazilian Footwear: Actvitta, Adrun, Anatomic Prime, Anatomic Shoes, Andacco, Andine, Archetti, Arezzo, Azillê, Beira Rio, BR Sport, Camminare, Campesi, Capelli Rossi, Carrano, Cartago, Cecconello, Comfortflex, Cristófoli, Dakota, Degalls, Democrata, Divalesi, Ferracini, Ferricelli, Grendene, Grendha, Guilhermina, Ipanema, Jorge Bischoff, JotaPe, Killana, Kolosh, Kolway, Levecomfort, Leveterapia, LightGel, Loucos & Santos, Luiza Barcelos, Luz da Lua, Madeira Brasil, Maithë, Melissa, Mini Melissa, Mississipi, Modare Ultraconforto, Moema, Moleca, Molekinha, Molekinho, Opananken Antitensor, Pegada, Petite Jolie, Piccadilly, Pink Cats, Ramarim, Renata Mello, Rider, Santa Lolla, Santinelli, Savelli, Schutz, Stéphanie Classic, Suzana Santos, Tabita, Usaflex, Valentina, Variettá, Verofatto, Vicenza, Villione, Vizzano, Voices Culture, West Coast, Wirth, and Zaxy.

About Brazilian Footwear:
Brazilian Footwear is an export incentive program developed by Abicalçados in partnership with ApexBrasil. This program aims to increase the presence of the Brazilian industry and its brands in the international market through development actions, commercial promotion and image. Currently, more than 300 companies are served by the program, which last year generated US$ 147.5 million for Brazilian companies supported by Brazilian Footwear. Learn more: brazilianfootwear.com.br | abicalcados.com.br/brazilian-footwear. 

About ApexBrasil: 
Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) is the Brazilian government’s trade and investment promotion agency. Regarding the investment activity, we support international investors as they analyze the opportunities to establish a plant in Brazil, start a partnership with a Brazilian company, or commit capital in Brazil through funds and companies. Our goal is to satisfy investors needs and generate results as we attract technology, innovation, new companies and generate jobs in Brazil. Learn more: https://apexbrasil.com.br/br/en.html#home