Expo Riva Schuh confirms markets and generates millions of business for Brazilian footwear companies

The summer edition of the Expo Riva Schuh Fair, took place between June 15th and 18th, in Riva del Garda


The first step towards the hot season of 2025 in the Brazilian footwear industry has already been taken abroad. The summer edition of the Expo Riva Schuh Fair, which took place between June 15th and 18th, in Riva del Garda, kickstarted this calendar of events in Italy with an important sign of maintaining markets and, even, new contacts and opportunities for the 49 Brazilian brands present at the event. The show ended with the sale of 273.7 thousand pairs, which generated more than US$ 3.2 million. Adding up expectations for deals that were agreed upon at the fair, the number jumps to 1.3 million pairs and US$ 19.8 million. Brazil's participation was promoted by Brazilian Footwear, a program to support footwear exports, maintained by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) in partnership with the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil).

Brazil, the largest footwear producer in the West, was featured in this edition. This is not only for being among the largest delegations of international exhibitors present, but also for having taken the traditional colors of the country - green, yellow and blue - to all the stairs of the exhibition pavilion. The Business Coordinator of Abicalçados, Paola Pontin, stresses that the Brazilian footwear industry has shown its diversity, in product type and segment, as well as in working with both the companies' own brand and private label (with the client's brand). "Which is why we were able to notice different reactions with regard to the markets already worked on, the opening of customers and the search for new business opportunities. Even so, most of the companies reported positive results”, says Paola, stressing that the present group is mature and works the foreign market constantly and strategically.

One of the companies that closed orders on the spot was Calçados Bottero (Parobé/RS). Both samples and production. “In this edition we had the maintenance of markets which we already work with. Buyers know they can't go wrong and are being accurate in their product purchases. During the last four days, we have served buyers from several countries, with emphasis on England, Bulgaria, Taiwan, Poland and Greece,” says Bottero export manager Paulina Klein, as she begins to store the blocks of orders filled in this edition of Expo Riva Schuh. “All this first distribution work is done at this fair," she points out.

Qualified contacts and Latin America
Grendene (Farroupilha/RS) has been participating in the fair for about 40 years. According to the company's export director, Alexandre Gastaldello, Expo Riva Schuh is an important promotion and dissemination tool. “We intend to continue investing on account of the qualified contacts in these four days of the fair. In addition, it is a point of updating scenarios, brand movements through information exchanges with customers and exhibiting companies. Being present is very important to open new fronts, contacts who are interested in the acquisition of our products. And all this happened in this edition, so there is a lot of difference between being and not being there.” On the third day of the fair, Gastaldello even participated in a startup competition jury. “This is another very interesting contact opportunity provided by the fair.”

For West Coast (Igrejinha / RS), the first two days of the fair were very good. “This was our first edition featuring the Spring/Summer collection. All the contacts we've had, with the exception of one, were from new customers and countries. We served a lot of Latin America and also markets such as Cyprus and South Africa,” comments West Coast's export director Felipe Cruz da Silveira.

The visit from South America in what is the 101st edition of the Italian fair was also highlighted by the general manager of Expo Riva Schuh, Gianpaola Pedretti. "We end this edition happy with the return of buyers from Latin America and Europe, especially the Germans, considering that the European market still feels difficulties. Brazil, once again, was present with the best companies in the country exhibiting and representing the shoe producing regions and using the fair as a useful sales tool, which for us is a very important signal. As well as the presence of all exhibiting companies from Rio Grande do Sul”, stresses Gianpaola.

In this edition, participated in the event with the support of Brazilian Footwear the brands Actvitta, ADG Export, Ala, Andacco, Arezzo, Awana Group, Azaleia, Beira Rio, Bibi, Boaonda, BR Sport, Capelli Rossi, Carrano, Cartago, Cecconello, Comfortflex, Copacabana, Democrata, Eléia, Grendha, GVD International, Hello Kitty, Itapuã, Jorge Bischoff, Klin, Levecomfort, Leveterapia, LigthGel, Loucos & Santos, Madeira Brasil, Modare Ultraconforto, Moleca, Molekinha, Molekinho, New Face, Pegada, Petite Jolie, Piccadilly, Polo Go, Ramarim, Schutz, Stéphanie Classic, Valentina, Variettá, Werner, West Coast, WorldColors Brasil, Zatz and Zaxy.



About Abicalçados:
The Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) is the entity that represents the national industry, the fifth largest producer of footwear in the world, the largest in the West. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados, is headquartered in Novo Hamburgo/RS, has in its membership companies of all sizes and that account for more than 65% of the total pairs of shoes produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that directly employs more than 290 thousand people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop and promote the Brazilian footwear industry, with respect, excellence and results. Learn more: abicalcados.com.br

About Brazilian Footwear:
Brazilian Footwear is an export incentive program developed by Abicalçados in partnership with ApexBrasil. This program aims to increase the presence of the Brazilian industry and its brands in the international market through development actions, commercial promotion and image. Currently, more than 300 companies are served by the program, which last year generated US$ 147.5 million for Brazilian companies supported by Brazilian Footwear. Learn more: brazilianfootwear.com.br | abicalcados.com.br/brazilian-footwear. 

About ApexBrasil: 
Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) is the Brazilian government’s trade and investment promotion agency. Regarding the investment activity, we support international investors as they analyze the opportunities to establish a plant in Brazil, start a partnership with a Brazilian company, or commit capital in Brazil through funds and companies. Our goal is to satisfy investors needs and generate results as we attract technology, innovation, new companies and generate jobs in Brazil. Learn more: https://apexbrasil.com.br/br/en.html#home